Sunday, July 17, 2011


Gallbladder told me I shouldn't be doing anything for a bit. I told it to take a hike. I'm on the mend and will be walking again shortly....just as soon as things get back to normal (or as close to it as I can get).

While I may have under appreciated you during our time together dear GB, don't get me wrong when I say, "I totally hate you now!" :)

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Back in the saddle again, for now.

You thought I forgot about you didn't you? I've fell off the horse, but, now I'm back. Life has been so busy. I feel like it's an excuse. I didn't want to workout with the boys. I thought it would be too hard. I was talking with my friends about my hesitations. They looked at me like I was a fool (it's ok, they are friends and they were right).

I have been making excuses. I have allowed myself to be at the back of the line. It's not ok. While I still hold true to not walking alone at night (meaning in the dark) I can take my kids with me. Granted, it's not the same as when I'm alone, but, I'm still getting exercise and that's the important part.

Today was a slow one. We walked to my son's new school for a tour and then were off for our journey.

Today I logged 2.55 miles in 35 minutes for a 13:43 pace. I didn't jog. Too awkward with the stroller, but again, it's about the exercise.

This weekend we are going on a mini vacation. I know I'll have lots of foot travel, not sure how I'll log it in. I'll do my best to let everyone know how I did.

Thanks Aunt Debi for calling me out on my lack of activity. I needed it. :)

Sunday, June 19, 2011

3.3 miles in one hour. 18:10 minute mile. No jogging today. Tested the kelty 1.0 we got today for the baby. Hubs wore it (I offered and he said he'd do it). Big kid rode his bike. Baby must have been comfortable as he fell asleep during the walk. Thinking it's a good thing the ice cream store near the turning point has closed down on our route.

Do you think he liked it?

Monday, June 13, 2011

Week 2, Day 1

The ante has been upped. This week my workouts consist of jogging 2 minutes & walking 4 minutes, 6 sets total.

Today I went 2.46 miles in 38 minutes 35 seconds. That's a 15:41 minute mile. I'm slowing down! What's the deal!?!?!?

No complaints. I'm on week 2 of working out. That's more than I've done in FOREVER. Good job me for not sitting on my bottom for 38 minutes today. Rah!

Friday, June 10, 2011

Day 7 AGAIN!

Went for a small walk with the boys after dinner. Forgot to time it so we guessed 30 minutes. It was only .83 miles. Threw the football with the big kid after that. I'm a movement MACHINE! LOL!

Day 6 & 7

Took day six off due to family plans and running out of time in the day.

Day seven I decided to work out in the morning. Not sure if this is better or worse. I went 2.02 miles for a total of 30:25. That averages out to a 15 minute 3 second mile. I'm definitely slowing down. Still not sure if that's due to going alone or because my legs are starting to feel the workouts.

No pictures today. Sorry, it's a busy morning!

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Day 5

2.43 miles in 35 minutes 52 seconds.

Went solo this time. I could definitely feel that I was going slower. My shins hurt this time out. I'm not sure if it's due to skipping a day of workout OR because I've actually gotten my fat a$$ off the couch and started doing something. I'm thinking the latter.

A bit frustrated as I stepped on the scale this morning. WARNING: If you are doing this with me, don't step on a scale this early on. I'm super torked off because I GAINED! Hubs says everyone in my position would do the same. Gaining muscle will add weight. It won't be too long before I see a difference in the other direction. (This is when my friends who have recently lost weight after years of going stagnant will back him up as I'm still a doubter.)

I haven't changed much in my eating other than the obvious. No need for dessert EVERY night. I eat less than I did previously. If we go out, I try and pick something healthier.

We'll see. Gotta go, we are out of milk and it's my turn to get some. DANG!

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Day 4 (aka: the day of jack squat)

Fourth day and I didn't work out. Feel a bit guilty, but, I know I need a day of rest. Walked the little kid to see the big kid at baseball practice. Before you get super impressed, it was only 1/3 mile. I'm not even logging it in. That's how lackluster it is. I know it's earlier than my workout last night, but, I don't go by myself in the dark. I just don't.

So, I'll be sitting at home tonight staring at my shoes telling myself I'll be kicking it in high gear tomorrow.


Monday, June 6, 2011

Day 3

kicked the feet up after the 'jog'

What a day! Big kid had his first swim lesson this morning so, no run. Niece, nephew, mom came into town for lunch, no run. Big kid had baseball game this evening, no run. Parents took all of us to Famous Dave's for dinner (salad and turkey burger for me thankyouverymuch) no run. Got home at 9:20. Went for my workout with my hubby. Thanks hubby!

It was dark, it was muggy, I had dinner almost an hour prior. I still did it! My time was even better. Still doing the jog for 1 minute and walk for 4 minutes routine. Today I totaled 2.54 miles in 34:24. Breaking it down that's a 13:32 minute mile. Not too shabby considering three days ago I averaged a 17:49 minute mile.

My legs reminded me they've not been used very much the past 10 years. I'm reminding them of what the should have been doing.

Talked with hubby about how I thought this was supposed to get easier. He reminded me that I'm just starting out. Remind me of this post in a year so I can giggle about how I'm feeling right now.

Time to tuck the kiddos into bed.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Day 2

New shoes!
(If you look closely, you can see the moleskin on the back of my heel.
It's covering the newborn sized blister. Yipes!)

Today I did the same routine: jog 1 minute, walk for 4 minutes. I need to go for 30 minutes. I go out for 15 and then turn around. My 2nd 15 is slower than my first, but, I'm doing it and I don't care about that right now. I'm in better shape than I was 2 days ago and that's something.

When I got done with my workout (can I even call it a run right now?) yesterday I noticed a few things. The new shoes felt better than the old, but, something wasn't right. Turns out, the heel of the left shoe rubbed my Achilles like nobody's business. Now I am sporting a blister the size of a newborn baby filled with fluid. Nice!

I took the shoes back to the Lincoln Running Company (they rock) to see if they could help me out. I should start by telling everyone to go there. They look at your feet, watch you walk, and pick out shoes that should work for your feet. Apparently, I have feet like a duck, just not webbed. Anyhoo, the shoes I started with weren't working by my reckoning so I called them. They told me to come in and they'd take a look. Now, I have a new pair of Brooks. L.O.V.E. them! They don't rub on my feet; they feel like they are already broken in; they don't rub on my feet!

We went to a wedding reception last night and spent the evening away with the boys. I was worried that I wouldn't get a 'run' in today since I knew we were stopping at my parents house too. Hubby was cool and dropped everything to go with me. The babies went too.

The big kid (my 9 year old) rode his bike and the little kid (my 9 month old) went in the jogging stroller. Hubs tagged along behind me with the little kid and the big kid plowed the road in front. I wasn't sure this would work, but, I'm alive, I had a better time than yesterday, hubs and I are still talking to each other so I'm chalking this up as a successful trip!

Saturday, June 4, 2011

One down, the rest of my life to go.

Michelle sent me a program to get ready for the next 1/2 marathon. For five days this week, I'm to jog 1 minute and walk for 4 minutes until I get to 30 minutes. Distance isn't as important as time. I've decided to record my routes on Notice the log on the side bar. It's pretty cool. Keeps me honest. The thing I like that best about this site is that I can map the routes I want to take/too and it will determine distance, time, how long it takes me to do a mile, etc. Not too shabby.

Today I went 1.92 miles. It took me 34 minutes 13 seconds. I've averaged a 17:49 mile. I made could make fun of this. Who knows, maybe I'll look back at this in the future and giggle, but for now, I'm going to be proud of myself.

I'll leave you with a few of the thoughts I had when I was out this morning:

  1. Jogging sucks
  2. Where did I put that moleskin?
  3. I really hope that's DOG poop I just walked by!

Reality Check

It's time for a reality check. I'm 37, I'm overweight, I'm unhappy. It's reality. I can't do anything to change the fact that I'm 37, I actually like that part. However, I can change my weight and I can change my mood. I've done it before.

I lost 75 lbs. ten years ago. I looked fantastic. I felt fantastic. I got pregnant and gained 50 pounds. Then 1 1/2 years ago, I got pregnant, again, and gained another forty pounds.

I don't look as fantastic. I don't feel as happy. It's my fault. I allowed myself to eat everything. I convinced myself it wasn't a big deal. I was wrong. I've been wrong about a lot of things in life: the blue eyeliner, that perm, and those acid washed jeans. Virtually forgotten about. However, this weight thing sticks with me every day.

I need to do something about it. I have to. I don't like me anymore. I signed up for a 1/2 marathon with my sister, Michelle. I did it. I didn't train for it very well, but, I finished it. Walked most of it, jogged a bit. But, I did it. I felt great about myself. I hurt a lot. I mean A LOT! I still feel great about myself.

I am signing up for another 1/2 marathon with my sister Michelle. It's in Omaha, in September. I'm going to do a better job. I'm going to prepare. I won't be at my goal weight for a long time, but, I'll be closer.

I'll let you know how I am doing. I plan on blogging to keep me honest. To keep me motivated. To keep track of myself. Join me.

Currently, I weigh blabbity-blah-blah(insert real weight here) pounds. I don't like it. I don't tell people. My husband doesn't even know. He thinks I' beautiful. I think he's delusional.

I'm going for a walk.