Sunday, July 17, 2011


Gallbladder told me I shouldn't be doing anything for a bit. I told it to take a hike. I'm on the mend and will be walking again shortly....just as soon as things get back to normal (or as close to it as I can get).

While I may have under appreciated you during our time together dear GB, don't get me wrong when I say, "I totally hate you now!" :)

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Back in the saddle again, for now.

You thought I forgot about you didn't you? I've fell off the horse, but, now I'm back. Life has been so busy. I feel like it's an excuse. I didn't want to workout with the boys. I thought it would be too hard. I was talking with my friends about my hesitations. They looked at me like I was a fool (it's ok, they are friends and they were right).

I have been making excuses. I have allowed myself to be at the back of the line. It's not ok. While I still hold true to not walking alone at night (meaning in the dark) I can take my kids with me. Granted, it's not the same as when I'm alone, but, I'm still getting exercise and that's the important part.

Today was a slow one. We walked to my son's new school for a tour and then were off for our journey.

Today I logged 2.55 miles in 35 minutes for a 13:43 pace. I didn't jog. Too awkward with the stroller, but again, it's about the exercise.

This weekend we are going on a mini vacation. I know I'll have lots of foot travel, not sure how I'll log it in. I'll do my best to let everyone know how I did.

Thanks Aunt Debi for calling me out on my lack of activity. I needed it. :)