Sunday, June 5, 2011

Day 2

New shoes!
(If you look closely, you can see the moleskin on the back of my heel.
It's covering the newborn sized blister. Yipes!)

Today I did the same routine: jog 1 minute, walk for 4 minutes. I need to go for 30 minutes. I go out for 15 and then turn around. My 2nd 15 is slower than my first, but, I'm doing it and I don't care about that right now. I'm in better shape than I was 2 days ago and that's something.

When I got done with my workout (can I even call it a run right now?) yesterday I noticed a few things. The new shoes felt better than the old, but, something wasn't right. Turns out, the heel of the left shoe rubbed my Achilles like nobody's business. Now I am sporting a blister the size of a newborn baby filled with fluid. Nice!

I took the shoes back to the Lincoln Running Company (they rock) to see if they could help me out. I should start by telling everyone to go there. They look at your feet, watch you walk, and pick out shoes that should work for your feet. Apparently, I have feet like a duck, just not webbed. Anyhoo, the shoes I started with weren't working by my reckoning so I called them. They told me to come in and they'd take a look. Now, I have a new pair of Brooks. L.O.V.E. them! They don't rub on my feet; they feel like they are already broken in; they don't rub on my feet!

We went to a wedding reception last night and spent the evening away with the boys. I was worried that I wouldn't get a 'run' in today since I knew we were stopping at my parents house too. Hubby was cool and dropped everything to go with me. The babies went too.

The big kid (my 9 year old) rode his bike and the little kid (my 9 month old) went in the jogging stroller. Hubs tagged along behind me with the little kid and the big kid plowed the road in front. I wasn't sure this would work, but, I'm alive, I had a better time than yesterday, hubs and I are still talking to each other so I'm chalking this up as a successful trip!

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